Pengaruh Paparan Polusi Jalan Raya terhadap Waktu Transpor Mukosiliar Hidung Pada Petugas Kebersihan Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamana Kota Surakarta
Background: Nasal health is strongly influenced by the nasal mucociliary transport system as the primary defense of exposure to hazardous substances contained in the air. Exposure to air pollution experienced daily by the janitor at the town highway would affect the nasal mucociliary clearance mechanisms. Exposure to pollution will cause mucosal can not move, therefore nasal mucociliary transport time will be longer than normal.
Methods: This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional approach. The sample was a janitor Cleanliness and Sanitation Department of Surakarta as many as 30 people. The control group is a cleaning service Hospital Dr. Moewardi as many as 30 people. Measuring instrument used was a questionnaire and saccharine test, then performed the data analysis by Chi Square analysis.
Results: In this research, the influence of exposure to highway pollution on nasal mucociliary transport time. Janitor Cleanliness and Sanitation Department of Surakarta exposed pollution has six times the risk than cleaning service at the Hospital Dr. Moewardi not exposed to pollution in terms of prolongation of nasal mucociliary transport time.
Conclusions: Based on the study, exposure to highway pollution prolong nasal mucociliary transport time.
Keywords: Exposure to highway pollution, nasal mucociliary transport time
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