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Perbedaan Tingkat Kecemasan Antara Siswa yang Mengikuti Dan tidak Mengikuti Bimbingan Belajar Dalam Menghadapi Ujian Nasional Di SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta

G. Harldy Parendra, Yusvick Hadin, Yulia Sari


Background: Anxiety is the signal awakening, warning the presence of treating hazard and enabling an individual to take some measures to deal with the threat. National exam is one factor that can result in anxiety in the students. Learning guiding is one of learning infrastructures out of school time functioning to help the student practice solving the problem quickly. This research aimed to find out whether or not there is a difference of anxiety level between students attending and those not attending Learning Guiding in Facing National Exam.

Method: This study was an analytical descriptive research using cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta. The sample was taken using purposive sampling followed by random sampling. The sample was divided into 2 groups: the students attending and those not attending learning guiding. The students then filled in (1) personal data form, (2) L-MMPI questionnaire, (3) TMAS questionnaire, if the students did not meet inclusive and exclusive criteria and result of L-MMPI questionnaire ? 10, the sample cannot be chosen. The-60 samples obtained were analyzed using Chi Square using SPSS program 17.00 for Windows Program.

Result: This research showed the c2 Chi-Square value of 1.684, while p = 0.194 or p > 0.05 meaning that there was no difference of anxiety level between the students attending and those not attending learning guiding in facing National Exam.

Conclusion: There was no difference of anxiety level between the students attending and those not attending learning guiding in facing National Exam.

Keywords: Learning Guiding, Anxiety.

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